the Great Priest Nichiren enshrined in the main hall is from the late Kamakura period (1185-1333) and is the very ■rst Buddhist statue created in Kyushu. The statue is worshipped and believed in by many devotees.Kiyomizu WaterfallKiyomizu River is one of the 100 Best Rivers of Japan and the waterfall is located in its upper reaches. The beautiful scene of such a huge quantity of water descending almost straight down from 75-meters above the ground is simply stunning. Since olden times, it has been visited by the worshippers of Kannon Bosatsu and there is a Hochi-in Temple by the waterfall basin where they sit under the water as part of their training.Fire■ies of Gion RiverFrom the end of May to early June is the time when Genji Hotaru Japanese ■re■ies entertain visitors with their elegant evening dance. This is one of the most famous places to view ■re■ies in Japan which ■utter around very close to people or even come to rest on your shoulder.Please visit the website here.Ogi City, Saga Prefecture65
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