which falls at the beginning of May. From early April to early May, some 500 large colorful Koi (carp) streamers (Koi Nobori) will be hung above Kamo River to create a superb view.Kamo Kiri Tansu Paulownia ChestKamo City is the top producer in Japan of quality Kiri Tansu paulownia chests (70% of all paulownia chests in Japan are from Kamo City). Paulownia chests are regarded as the ■nest quality furniture due to the warmth of the wood, their silky white shimmer, beautiful straight wood grains and color. It was designated as a Traditional Craft of Japan by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry on December 15th, 1976.Kamo Folding ScreenByobu, or traditional Japanese folding screens, used to be an essential furniture which could block the view of those passing by as well as the wind from blowing into the room. Byobu were also important as a decorative furniture. Using only wood and washi paper such as Kamo paper, Kamo Byobu are such an elaborate art form. On July 19, 2023, it was designated as a traditional craft of Niigata Prefecture.Please visit the website here.Kamo City, Niigata Prefecture25
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