
Japanese and Chinese artists are also exhibited. A Tenkoku experience is also available for visitors to try.Navel ParkA spacious leisure park with a number of fun attractions such as a pony farm, ■shing pond, athletic ■eld, and playground. There are log cabins where visitors can stay in the forest overnight. The Koga Chrysanthemum Festival will be held from late October to mid November. A number of gorgeous, carefully grown chrysanthemum ■owers in di■erent styles will welcome visitors. Bamboo CraftUsing bamboo growing in the Koga region for collage techniques, this beautiful art work expresses the natural beauty and ■exibility of bamboo. Shade and shadows are made by slightly burning the surface which enhances the beautiful three-dimensional appearance. No other region in Japan produces such a unique art form. Please visit the website here.Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture23

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