
featuring Imari and Nabeshima styles. Imari is a collective name of the porcelain created in Arita of Saga Prefecture. In olden times, the Eastern Indian Company introduced Imari wares to Europe and the sophisticated beauty of Imari wares immediately fascinated the European aristocracy. Even today, pieces are known as the “Old Imari” and are recognized worldwide for their artistic value. Nabeshima wares are also porcelain produced in the Saga Prefecture between the 17th to 19th century and is acclaimed as one of the best Japanese porcelain styles. The museum welcomes visitors to their vast garden which exhibits natural attractions in every season.Ashikaga Flower ParkA wide variety of ■owers, trees and plants vigorously inhabit this huge ■ower park. During the winter time, the park remains open into the evening and welcomes people to enter the magical illuminated world when the entire park will be colored and adorned with a countless number of sparkling lights featuring ■owers and nature. This is one of the three best night illumination sites in the Kanto region. Please visit the website here.Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture15

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